Pharmacy Inspection App
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Pharmacy Inspection

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The Pharmacy inspection mobile app is a perfect tool to inspect pharmacies on the go. The app collects all the necessary information and puts it into convenient PDF report. The PDF report can be emailed and shared via cloud drives.
  • Create quick pharmacy inspections
  • Capture signatures
  • Apply overall rating
  • Modify completed inspections
  • Upload created inspections to cloud drives, email and print them
  • Sync data across multiple devices
  • Work online and offline
  • Save time and reduce expenses

Use a Free Inspection App for accurate pharmacy management

Inspection is an important part of every business industry. It is essential to control tasks and work done in all aspects of workflow. When it comes to safety observations, inspection can be hardly overestimated. During the pharmacy inspection, the inspector checks if a registered pharmacy meets the rules and regulations for effective and safe operation of a pharmacy. Let’s consider some of them.

1. The staff is empowered and competent to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. It means that a pharmacy must have enough staff members that are qualified enough to provide safety and wellbeing for the patients and the public.

2. The environment and condition of the premises from which pharmacy services are provided, and any associated premises, safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. It means that the pharmacy spot must be safe, clean and properly maintained.

3. The way in which pharmacy services, including the management of medicines and medical devices are delivered, safeguards the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. It means that medications and medical equipment must be used safely, stored securely and the advice that is given to patients, is obtained from a reputable source.

4. The equipment and facilities used in the provision of pharmacy services safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. It means that medical equipment used in the pharmacy is reliable, working properly and is safe.

All these and more are thoroughly checked by the Inspector. In today’s digital world, a free inspection app serves perfectly well to fulfill the inspection tasks. Snappii has created a mobile app specifically designed for pharmacy inspections, a Pharmacy Inspection app. This free inspection app will allow its users to:

- collect date and time of inspection

- capture signatures

- apply overall rating

- email data right away

- store collected data on device

- share saved PDF reports via cloud drives.

The benefits from using such a free inspection app are obvious:

- Drastically save time conducting inspections

- Improve data accuracy

- Reduce extra expenses

- Go green

Most companies already have the inspection forms that they already use. Switching to a free inspection app will not make them leave their forms in the past. It is possible to easily convert the existing forms to mobile form apps in a snap. Anyone can do it without development skills. Snappii has created an easy-to-use platform to make the transformation from paper forms to digital forms affordable, fast and convenient. Contact us with any questions you might have regarding this free inspection app, and we will help you go mobile.

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